Mentalhelp.net's excellent overview

Morton Silverman, M.D.
Masters of Denial
Jeffrey Kluger
A January, 2003,Time Magazine article on personality disorders in America; provides some solid facts & statistics.

The facts and symptoms in a nutshell, described in clear language, from recovery-man.com.

Extremely helpful chart summary of symptoms, treatment, etc, from the Dual Diagnosis Pages.

Very nice brief write-up of the behaviors and symptoms, from the Always Your Choice medical offices.
Quick clear medical metaphor of how to conceptualize an Axis II Personality Disorder
by Theodore Millon, PhD.

Excellent overview from the Personality Disorders Institute.
"Dancing on the Borderline"
by Alcia Potter, The Boston Phoenix 9/25/97
A newspaper report on BPD. Very accessible for the absolute BPD novice or younger reader, although a bit popularized.
National Mental Health Association's Description of Personality Disorders
On The Edge
By Gloria Hochman
I consider this among the best up-to-date introductory articles for those first learning about the disorder and its effects on both family and the afflicted.

by Anne Brown and Kristi Dodson 1999
Excellent overview of the way mental health professionals are thinking about BPD today. A NARSAD fact sheet.

by Sam Vaknin
Understanding And Working With Borderline Personality Disorder
by Luciano Anthony Picchio, M.D.
Good summary of one specialist's broad perspective on working with BPD.

by Deb Martinson
Excellent job of explaining various theories of BPD and its accompanying symptoms/behaviors. Clear and smart. ~recommended!

by Michael Shooter
An excellent British article discussing the history of the personality disorder concept.

Informative interview with Marsha Linehan and other BPD experts

by Elizabeth A Finley-Belgrad, MD, Emedicine journal 7/3/01
Excellent thorough and current article which discusses some of the childhood precursors/symptoms of BPD.

What is a Personality Disorder?
by Dr. Paul Hannig

Set of links and articles, very helpful.
RENT or purchase two Documentary Films about Borderline Personality Disorder:
'Borderline Syndrome: A Personality Disorder of Our Time' Interviews with 5 Borderline Women (narrated by Maureen Stapleton!) 1989
'Beyond the Borderline' 6 years later, interviews with the same women on progress and feelings
Both by Olive Tree Productions
Available through Filmakers Library: Filmakers.com
Order the Borderline Personality Issue of the Journal of the California Alliance for the Mentally Ill
This back issue costs $10, but is worth it. You can order by mail or online using their secure order form.
This url takes you to the index; check it out. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and find the ordering link in tiny print.
Trouble In Mind: Borderline Personality Disorder
part of a 1999 series of short informative videos on mental health, narrated by Jaclyn Smith.
Major BPD Informational Sites on the Web

Owned/operated by Randy Kreger, the co-author of Stop Walking on Eggshells.
Excellent comprehensive site, a great first stop for friends/family/loved ones.

Has a fabulous 'resources' index with dozens of essays written from the perspective of NonBP experiences: great place to begin reading for validation and explanation of the key components of BPD behaviors and their effects on loved ones.
This web site has good resources, especially when leaving a BP relationship.
(Their server tends to have troubles; keep trying)

"Insights On Recovery for Non-BPs in Chosen Relationships"
Inspirational essays, biography, philosophical resources from a man who saw it all in 17 years of marriage to a wife with BPD/alcoholism, and has come through shining. Of particular interest to men who are concerned about divorce/custody issues with a dysfunctional Borderline wife.
Kathi's Mental Health Review: BPD page
Kathi Stringer, diagnosed with DID, runs this informative site. Good collection of articles on various mental health diagnoses.
Mental Health Today
A veritable plethora of message boards for every conceivable interest group, and a large collection of online articles about BPD. The site's owner, who suffers from the disorder, believes BPD to be neurological in origin, therefore these articles emphasize medical treatment.
Laura Paxton's Borderline and Beyond
Paxton, herself once diagnosed with BPD, is now a therapist and the author of a workbook and flash card treatment system for BPD.
(for more info, see the Treatment section on this site)
Dr. Leland Heller's Biological Unhappiness Site
Heller, a family practitioner, is an experienced albeit controversial advocate of medication regimes for treating BPD.
HealthyPlace.com Personality Disorders site
A selection of resources and online conference transcripts
About.com's Personality Disorders Page
Nice collection of articles and links to all things PD
Dr. Ivan Goldberg's List of BPD resources
from the Depression Central website (not often updated)
Mental Health Organizations Offering BPD Resources
NIMH's Concept for Borderline Personality Disorder Initiative
The National Institute of Mental Health brought out this statement to support and encourage professional research into BPD.
How Advocacy is Bringing Borderline Personality Disorder Into the Light
Updated article by Valerie Porr, M.A., on the latest on BPD advocacy in the USA.

"To empower those with borderline personality disorder and their families by providing them with current scientific information about the course and features of this serious mental illness through the sponsoring of a yearly conference and a web site; to initiate and collaborate on family research; to establish regional centers that offer family mentoring services, all with the ultimate goal to dispel the myths that surround BPD and bring hope for a better life."
NEA-BPD offers free 12-week FAMILY CONNECTIONS programs in the NY/CT area, for families with a member who suffers from BPD.
For more information, phone: (914) 835-9011

"People with family members suffering from Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) may find help and information from TARA APD. TARA APD has initiated a successful national campaign for inclusion of BPD in the National Comorbidity Survey-Replication. TARA APD maintains a NYC Personality Disorder Resource And Referral Clearinghouse. To raise awareness of BPD, we sponsor workshops, symposia and grand rounds and provide family education and support groups."
Call TARA's national hotline at 1-888-4-TARA APD
Upcoming Conferences on Borderline Personality Disorder
Anthony Walker, author of The Courtship Dance of the Borderline, keeps this updated list of conferences for families & consumers as well as professionals.

NAMI holds regular regional workshops for families/friends of the mentally ill. Their "Family to Family" education program is a free 12-week course taught by trained family members experienced in caregiving for the mentally disordered (offered across the USA and in 2 Canadian provinces). Find a course location near you at this link. NAMI has recently included a unit on BPD in the Family-to-Family curriculum.

NMHA lists resources and support groups in your area.

"What is NAMHPAC? NAMHPAC (pronounced like nam-pack) is an association of people involved with State mental health planning across the country. With the support of the federal Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS) of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), these advocates, parents and consumers, joined together to meet common needs for information, training and mutual support. NAMHPAC was formed in 1995.
What are State Mental Health Planning and Advisory Councils? In 1986, a Federal law was passed that required states to do mental health planning as a condition of receiving federal mental health funds. It further required that the planning process include various stakeholder groups�consumers of mental health services, parents of children with emotional disturbances, and family members. U.S. States and Territories then formed these councils which now exist in every state.
What do these councils do? The purpose of the planning councils in each State and Territory is to meaningfully involve concerned citizens in planning and evaluating the mental health service delivery in their states. Defined by Federal law, these councils:
* Review community mental health block grant plans and make recommendations to the State administration.
* Monitor, review and evaluate all mental health services throughout the State or Territory.
* Serve as advocates for adults with serious mental illnesses, children with severe emotional disturbances, and others with mental health needs."
Borderline Personality Disorder Research Foundation
The first well funded, far-reaching private international foundation for serious BPD research.
Personality Disorders Foundation of Connecticut
Regional information and links to clinics/treatment programs in Connecticut. Excellent resource for CT locals!
International Society for the Study of Personality Disorders (ISSPD)

Wonderful site; informative articles about the impact on families, spouses, children of the mentally ill. Great coping tips! Offers help in locating regional support groups.
Federations of Families for Children's Mental Health
New England Personality Disorder Association
Brand new; still under construction
For more information, contact Missy Cunningham at: [email protected]
Bazelon Center For Mental Health Law
Legislative updates on American mental health insurance; advocacy.
Treatment Advocacy Center
"The Treatment Advocacy Center is a nonprofit organization dedicated to eliminating legal and clinical barriers to timely and humane treatment for Americans with severe brain disorders who are not receiving appropriate medical care."

by David E. Pollio, Family Process, Summer, 2001
Interesting article examining the use & effectiveness of family support groups.